Programs can be created with a range of options, from fixed actions and milestones to participant choices in their primary target focus, personal goals, health action choices, action commitments, and learning resources. Our platform includes powerful participant resources contained in the Journey Apps, including motivational features, optional rewards and incentives, community features, surveys, and participant testing. In the future an artificial intelligence capability will make suggestions to participants based on their goals, actions, and achievements. These platform and participant resources provide more effective and complete programs, simple group management, and better participant engagement to more effectively support an organization's overall fitness and wellness goals for staff and participant's. Integrated with our sales and registration platform, we provide our business customers the only complete sales-to-program outcome solution on the market. With our sales platform, participants can purchase program focused items, for example: training, fitness, and wellness programs, and events; fitness and wellness merchandise and gear; and Running Affair branded products. Our participant's benefit is in a more engaging experience, reduces operating costs, provides a new sales channel, and provides the opportunity to increase revenue. Our Journey Apps are the outward execution of our approach for participants. Our platform advantage is that an App can easily created for a specific context, purpose, and goal. In the fitness and wellness focus, our Journey Apps are motivational tools to help participants meet their fitness and wellness goals with a more realistic, flexible, and balanced approach that adapts to the busy and changing aspects of their life. Our unique participant differentiator within the fitness and wellness arena is that our programs address the participant as a "whole person" with the fitness and wellness program approach that is comprehensive, unified, and balanced becoming a complete solution addressing, as a "whole person": fitness, nutrition, weight, stress, energy, and outlook. A major philosophic fitness and wellness differentiator is that our programs interact with and treat participants like adults, who are living in the real world, that have competing obligations and time constraints. Therefore, for a participant to be successful, a program must be flexible, in order to adapt to a participant's schedule and lifestyle. And as adults with competing commitments, participants need to have some control over the program in which they choose to participate; including, options for program focus and goals, action choices, commitments, and schedules. This provides a more realistic approach that gives participants a better chance of staying engaged and meeting their fitness and wellness goals. |
Peaceful Motivation™
Fitness, Wellness, and Training Programs using the Peaceful Motivation Approach |